Financial solutions that specialize in your unique pain points.

Partnering with physicians to build impactful financial plans since 2018.



Wealth That Matters®

As someone who spends their life helping others live theirs to the fullest, you know the value of your time, health, and where you spend your resources. At Vestia, our mission is to help you leverage your wealth to balance a future you’re excited about with a life worth living today. In other words, we’re helping you create Wealth That Matters™ through our financial planning services.

Who We Serve

Our clients are specialized physicians who want to make the most of their wealth – but don’t have the time or desire to manage it on their own. They’re looking for a partner who can walk alongside them for all of their financial questions, and they know they need an expert in their unique profession. 

At Vestia, we have 150+ combined years of experience partnering with doctors and their families to help unlock their wealth potential. We aim to help our 500+ client households live free from financial worry and make empowered financial decisions that move them toward a life they love. 

Our Team

This testimonial was provided by a current client of Vestia Wealth Advisors. Vestia does not compensate, directly or indirectly, for such testimonials. These may represent a conflict of interest as Vestia may indirectly benefit from such testimonials.


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Why Work with a Physician Specialized Financial Advisor

You would never recommend a patient go to their family practice doctor for open heart surgery. Sometimes, you need a specialist. Learn more about how our focus on physicians could mean a more holistic experience for you.


Level up your financial health.


Get case studies and real-world examples of the financial questions physicians face every day.


Ready for a deep dive into specific financial symptoms and what prescription we recommend?


Get to know our team, and learn more about how we can help you.

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