4 Effective Ways To Put Your Cash To Work

Given current market conditions, many doctors may find themselves sitting on more cash than usual and fear the risk of reentering the markets. The right level of cash is important to protect you and support your goals, but too much cash can actually weigh you down. You want your money to work hard for you, […]

How Physicians Can Take Control Of Their Finances Post-Election

Nearly every election cycle, physicians concern themselves over market trends and future projections. These fears are particularly strong this year amidst social tensions and the economic and health impacts of the coronavirus looming in the background. Our goal is to come alongside you, listen to your concerns, and work together to further your ultimate financial […]

Vestia’s Mission to Help You Build Wealth and Prioritize Your Life

Doctors are not all built alike. There is a myriad of specialists from anesthesiologists to cardiologists to gastroenterologists to dermatologists and so many more. Patients don’t expect the same type of care from an orthopedic surgeon as they would from their family physician. Instead, they seek the doctor who specializes in their unique needs and […]