How Medical Practice Owners Can Creatively Save for Their Kid’s College
Owning a business means you may have creative ways to help save for your kids’ education. With the average cost of tuition tipping $35,000 per year, saving early and consistently is the best way to meet your future goals. Let’s look at how medical practice owners can start saving for their children’s college expenses. Save […]
Time or Money-Weighted Returns, Is One Better Than The Other?
When you look at your investments, you’re likely only seeing if you made or lost money. That high-level snapshot isn’t comprehensive enough to determine how well your assets are really doing, if you’re on track, if you need to make changes, etc. Is there a more accurate way to depict your portfolio’s performance long-term? Yes! […]
5 Ways Doctors Can Invest In Real Estate
Investing in real estate can be a smart money move for physicians if it fits into their financial goals. The “best” way for doctors to invest depends on how much time and money they’re looking to invest. Here are 5 smart ways we believe that physicians can start investing in real estate. 1. Invest In […]
6 Questions Doctors Should Ask Before Hiring An Advisor
Hiring a financial advisor can feel overwhelming. Deciding who to consult and trust with your financial well-being is a big deal! On top of the enormity of sharing your finances with someone else, doctors have unique financial needs that require a certain level of expertise, so you should work with a team that specializes in […]
3 Things Doctors Should Know About the PSLF Program Updates
It’s no secret that doctors can have a hefty amount of student debt. And a viable option for many physicians in the public/nonprofit sector is Public Service Loan Forgiveness to help get their loans off their balance sheets. But the PSLF program hasn’t garnered the best reputation over the years. It’s been riddled with errors […]
The Physician’s Guide To Buying Your First House
Are you in the market for a new home? Join the club. The housing market is still roaring strong, and as the spring rapidly approaches, there will be more open houses, for sale signs, and realtor calls than you know what to do with. Feeling overwhelmed? For physicians buying their first homes, you’re in luck! […]
Should Doctors Open Roth IRAs for Their Kids?
Many doctors prioritize their financial health and seek to pass that trait onto their children. Plus, given the current state of financial literacy in the U.S., most education about money and personal finance falls on parents or caretakers. And one of the most important financial concepts to teach is the art of compounding interest—something you […]
What’s Our “Values Meeting” and Why It’s Important For Your Money
At Vestia, we’re passionate about helping you build wealth and prioritize living a life you love. An excellent way to create a comprehensive financial plan to fit your needs is to keep your values at the center. That’s why an in-depth values meeting is an essential component of our strategy sessions. What can you expect […]